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Fission: Serverless on Kubernetes with Soam Vasani

Serverless computing abstracts away the idea of a server node. Serverless lets programmers treat compute resources as high-level, reliable APIs, rather than unreliable, low-level compute

Building a Serverless End-to-End Solution for Brand Detection in Video

This article was originally written by Juri Sarbach on Medium. Reposted with permission. Some time ago, we were asked by a client to help them on the technical implementation of a

Cloud Structures: Kubernetes, Container Instances, Serverless

When it comes to cloud services and infrastructure, there are many routes to choose from. You can choose a serverless structure, where FaaS (Function as a Service) providers can perform
Cloud Infrastructure

Function Platforms with Chad Arimura and Matt Stephenson

“Serverless” is a word used to describe functions that get deployed and run without the developer having to manage the infrastructure explicitly. Instead of creating a server,

AWS Lambda Cold Starts Explained

Originally posted on @theburningmonk When I discuss AWS Lambda cold starts with folks in the context of API Gateway, I often get responses along the line of: Meh,