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Monolith Migration with Jan Schiffman and Sherman Wood (Repeat)

Originally published September 4, 2018 TIBCO was started in the 90’s with a popular message bus product that was widely used by finance companies, logistics providers, and other

Sourcegraph: Code Search and Intelligence with Beyang Liu

A large codebase cannot be searched with naive indexing algorithms. In order to search through a codebase the size of Uber’s it is necessary to build a much more sophisticated indexing

Monolith Migration with Jan Schiffman and Sherman Wood

We previously released this episode with the wrong audio file and are re-releasing it on a weekend. TIBCO was started in the 90’s with a popular message bus product that was widely

Monolith Migration with Jan Schiffman and Sherman Wood

TIBCO was started in the 90’s with a popular message bus product that was widely used by finance companies, logistics providers, and other systems with high throughput. As TIBCO grew