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Presto with Justin Borgman

A data platform contains all of the data that a company has accumulated over the years. Across a data platform, there is a multitude of data sources: databases, a data lake, data

Uber’s Data Platform with Zhenxiao Luo Holiday Repeat

Originally published May 24, 2018 When a user takes a ride on Uber, the app on the user’s phone is communicating with Uber’s backend infrastructure, which is writing to a database

Notebooks at Netflix with Matthew Seal

Netflix has petabytes of data and thousands of workloads running across that data every day. These workloads generate movie recommendations for users, create dashboards for data analysts

Uber’s Data Platform with Zhenxiao Luo

When a user takes a ride on Uber, the app on the user’s phone is communicating with Uber’s backend infrastructure, which is writing to a database that maintains the state of that

Facebook Presto with Christopher Berner

Presto is a low latency SQL language built for interactive analysis.   Christopher Berner works on Presto at Facebook. Questions: Is Presto for data scientists, developers, or