Lyft Kubernetes with Vicki Cheung
The ridesharing infrastructure of Lyft has a high volume of traffic that is mostly handled by servers on AWS. When Vicki Cheung joined Lyft in 2018, the company was managing containers
Envoy Mobile with Matt Klein
Envoy is an open source edge and service proxy that was originally developed at Lyft. Envoy is often deployed as a sidecar application that runs alongside a service and helps that
What’s Behind Lyft’s Choices in Big Data Tech
This post was originally written by Alex Woodie at Datanami. Reposted with permission. Lyft was a late entrant to the ride-sharing business model, at least compared to its competitor
Lyft’s Data Platform with Li Gao
FindCollabs is a company I started recently The FindCollabs Podcast is out! FindCollabs is hiring a React developer FindCollabs Hackathon #1 has ended! Congrats to ARhythm, Kitspace, and
Lyft Data Discovery with Tao Feng and Mark Grover
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