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Google JavaScript with Malte Ubl

Google Search is a highly interactive JavaScript application. As you enter a query, results are being automatically suggested to you before you even finish typing. When you press enter,

An Overview of Flutter

Origins of Flutter Flutter is a programming framework for building cross platform mobile apps. Its roots trace back to Google Chrome and the efforts of a team dedicated to making the web

JavaScript and the Inner Workings of your Browser

 What happens when a browser loads a page? Do you know how the internals of browsers work to turn the JavaScript code you write into something usable by your computer? What happens

WebAssembly: A Foundation for a Higher Performance Web

As the Internet fills a larger role in our lives, more and more is being asked of web applications. JavaScript cannot always provide the necessary performance, so a new solution is

WebAssembly and the Future of Browser Languages

If you are interested in technology even a bit, you may hear the name JavaScript, the core technology used in the World Wide Web. However, it comes with several major performance issues.