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Augur: Ethereum Prediction Markets with Joey Krug

Prediction Markets provide an exchange for trading based on the outcome of events. Most prediction markets are centralized- they operate like a casino, where betting takes place under

Decentralized Finance with Tom Schmidt

Cryptocurrencies today serve two purposes: store of value and speculation.  The application infrastructure that has been built around cryptocurrency is mostly to support these use

Ethereum Usability with Sean Li

Cryptocurrencies enable a large number of applications. Trustless reputation systems, decentralized identity tools, micropayments, non-fungible Internet items, borderless currencies,

Ethsimple: Ethereum Tools with Brian Soule

Ethereum allows developers to run decentralized applications. But the tooling for building and managing those decentralized applications is immature. Experienced software engineers have

Parity: Blockchain Infrastructure with Gavin Wood

Parity is a company that builds blockchain infrastructure. Parity has built several open source projects and works with enterprises to put blockchain technology in production. Gavin Wood