Getting Businesses Unstuck with Jon Dwoskin

The expression firing on all cylinders dates back to the early 1900s and refers to a function of the internal combustion engine. This expression poetically applies to successful
Descript with Andrew Mason

Descript is a software product for editing podcasts and video. Descript is a deceptively powerful tool, and its software architecture includes novel usage of transcription APIs,
Indie Hackers with Courtland Allen Holiday Repeat

Originally published November 4, 2016 Indie Hackers is a website that profiles independent developers who have made profitable software projects, usually without raising any money. These
Indie Hack or Venture Back with Lynne Tye

Key Values is a platform where companies are profiled with descriptions of their company values. These profiles describe features such as work-life balance, company culture, daily
Leadership with Ben Horowitz

Photo credit: Elisabeth Fall Ben Horowitz started Loudcloud with Marc Andreessen in 1999. He ran the company for eight years and chronicled his experience in his first book The Hard