Data Engineering

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Spotify Event Delivery with Igor Maravic

Spotify is a streaming music company with more than 50 million users. Whenever a user listens to a song, Spotify records that event and uses it as input to learn more about the user’s

Data Intensive Applications with Martin Kleppmann

A new programmer learns to build applications using data structures like a queue, a cache, or a database. Modern cloud applications are built using more sophisticated tools like Redis,

Data Warehousing with Mark Rittman

In the mid 90s, data warehousing might have meant “using an Oracle database.” Today, it means a wide variety of things. You could be stitching together a big data pipeline using

Giphy Engineering with Anthony Johnson

Giphy is a search engine for gifs, the short animated graphics that we see around the Internet. Giphy is also a creative platform where people create new gifs. Every search engine

Columnar Data: Apache Arrow and Parquet with Julien Le Dem and Jacques Nadeau

Column-oriented data storage allows us to access all of the entries in a database column quickly and efficiently. Columnar storage formats are mostly relevant today for performing large