Cloud Computing

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Cloud R&D with Onsi Fakhouri

In the first 10 years of cloud computing, a set of technologies emerge that every software enterprise needs; continuous delivery, version control, logging, monitoring, routing, data

Logging and NoOps with Christian Beedgen

“You write the code, but you don’t run it? That’s just preposterous.” Software applications are constantly generating logs. These logs are necessary to understand how an

Bootstrapping a SaaS for Developers with Itai Lahan

“It’s an amazing era for software developers – we have all this amazing infrastructure behind the scenes that we can build upon.” Ten years ago, building a highly scalable image

OpenStack and the Future of Cloud Computing with John Purrier

“Why do we need any open source versions of proprietary implementations? I would argue that first of all, it’s just good for industry and the ecosystem.” Cloud service providers