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PromptOps with Dev Nag

When your application fails, finding the reason quickly is essential for limiting downtime. Often, most of the time it takes to repair a problem is taken by figuring out what exactly

Shift Conference with Ivan Burazin

In the Software Industry, Conferences are crucial for developers, offering learning, networking, and collaboration opportunities. Attendees stay updated on the latest technologies, gain

Software Supply Chain with Feross Aboukhadijeh

The software supply chain refers to the process of creating and distributing software products. This includes all of the steps involved in creating, testing, packaging, and delivering

Cloud Native in 2023 with Chris Aniszczyk

Cloud native technologies empower organizations to build and run scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments such as public, private, and hybrid clouds. Containers, service

Challenges of Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Monitoring

The goal of having a single pane of glass that allows us to see what is happening with our organization’s IT operations has been a long-standing goal for many organizations. The goal