Making React 70% faster with Aiden Bai of Million.js

React is an immensely popular JavaScript library that is used to build website user interfaces. A key feature of React is that it uses a virtual Document Object Model, or DOM, to
Building a Full Cloud Backend with James Cowling

Serverless backend platforms are cloud services that simplify the process of building a backend. These platforms are growing rapidly in popularity because they can greatly accelerate
The Latest on RedwoodJS with Tom Preston-Werner

Tom Preston-Werner is a renowned software developer, inventor and entrepreneur. He co-founded GitHub and is the creator of the avatar service Gravatar, the TOML configuration file
Netlify with Mathias Biilmann Christensen

Netlify is a cloud-based platform that provides web developers with an all-in-one workflow to build, deploy, and manage modern web projects. Matt Biilmann is the CEO of Netlify and he
Remix with Ryan Florence

Remix is a full stack web framework that lets you focus on the user interface and work back through web fundamentals to deliver a fast, slick, and resilient user experience that deploys