Danny Seymour

Danny Seymour

Santa Fe, New Mexico
Education: MBA, Finance and Public Policy, University of New Mexico

Danny is a Santa Fe-based developer who works as a Junior Consultant at Rural Sourcing.

Latest From Danny Seymour

Managing Cloud Data Services with Heroku

Nearly all modern web applications depend on persisted data in order to function. Since the introduction of frameworks such as JavaScript in the late 1990s, developers have demanded more

What is a Layer 2 Cloud Provider?

The rise of “cloud infrastructure” has presented a dilemma for developers: what is the appropriate level of complexity for a cloud provider to handle? In the last decade, the options

What’s Behind the Rise of “Challenger Banks”?

Introduction This Monday, Visa announced a plan to buy fintech startup Plaid at a valuation of $5.3 billion. For a company that, in essence, builds intermediary APIs as a platform for

What Does Java Do Best?

The first public implementation of Java was released in 1996, when the Nintendo 64 was at the cutting edge of game console technology and 41% of web users regularly accessed AOL.com. The