Apache Airflow with Maxime Beauchemin, Vikram Koka, and Ash Berlin-Taylor

Apache Airflow was released in 2015, introducing the first popular open source solution to data pipeline orchestration. Since that time, Airflow has been widely adopted for dependency-based data workflows. A developer might orchestrate a pipeline with hundreds of tasks, with dependencies between jobs in Spark, Hadoop, and Snowflake.

Since Airflow’s creation, it has powered the data infrastructure at companies like Airbnb, Netflix, and Lyft. It has also been at the center of Astronomer, a startup that helps enterprises build infrastructure around Airflow. Airflow is used to construct DAGs–directed acyclic graphs for managing data workflows.

Maxime Beauchemin is the creator of Airflow. Vikram Koka and Ash Berlin-Taylor work at Astronomer. They join the show to talk about the state of Airflow–the purpose of the project, its use cases, and open source ecosystem.

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