JAMStack Content Management with Scott Gallant, Jordan Patterson, and Nolan Phillips

A content management system (CMS) defines how the content on a website is arranged and presented. The most widely used CMS is WordPress, the open source tool that is written in PHP. A large percentage of the web consists of WordPress sites, and WordPress has a huge ecosystem of plugins and templates.

Despite the success of WordPress, the JAMStack represents the future of web development. JAM stands for JavaScript, APIs, and Markup. In contrast to the monolithic WordPress  deployments, a JAMStack site consists of loosely coupled components. And there are numerous options for a CMS in this environment.

TinaCMS is one such option. TinaCMS is an acronym for “Tina Is Not A CMS”, and it is a toolkit for content management. Scott Gallant, Jordan Patterson, and Nolan Phillips work on TinaCMS, and they join the show to explore the topic of content management on the JAMStack.

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