Anchor: Podcast Platform with Nir Zicherman

Podcasts have surged in popularity, but the podcast ecosystem remains difficult to work with. Podcast listeners have difficulty finding episodes. Podcast creators have difficulty finding out how to get started. The advertising marketplaces for podcasts are immature, and it can be difficult to build a business as a podcaster.

Podcasting is unlike almost any other media format that we consume on the Internet. There is not an algorithmic feed of podcasts–we subscribe to podcasts we like and we see everything that gets published. Podcasting originated with Apple, who has not shown much interest in the podcast medium.

Anchor is a platform that makes it easy for users to publish podcasts. Today, a large percentage of the new podcasts created on the Internet are started on Anchor. Nir Zicherman is the CTO at Anchor, and he joins the show to discuss the strange world of podcast technology, and how Anchor is building a business.


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