Android Things with Wayne Piekarski

Internet of Things is a concept that describes lots of devices that you interact with regularly being connected to the Internet and networked together.

Technologists have been dreaming of the world of IoT for many years, where our connected refrigerator can detect that we are out of food, and automatically order more food. Or our connected bathroom can scan us for diseases and recommend treatment.

The bright future of IoT is slowly coming together. Hardware prototyping is getting cheaper. Voice interfaces and machine learning are creating new mediums for communicating with devices. Platforms like Kickstarter are allowing developers to validate the market for their products and raise the necessary capital to build their product.

Android Things is a developer platform for IoT applications based on the Android Operating system. Android Things consists of hardware devices and software tools that reduce common IoT problems such as software updates and security patches. Wayne Piekarski is a staff developer advocate at Google, and he joins the show to talk about the state of IoT and why Google built Android Things.


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