Kubernetes Distributions with Brian Gracely and Michael Hausenblas

Kubernetes is an open source container management system. Kubernetes is sometimes described as “the Linux of distributed systems” and this description makes sense: the large numbers of users and contributors in the Kubernetes community is comparable to the volume of Linux adopters in its early days.

There are many different distributions of Linux: Ubuntu, Red Hat, Chromium OS. These different operating system distributions were created to fulfill different needs. Linux is used for Raspberry Pis, Android phones, and enterprise workstations. These different use cases require different configurations of an operating system.

Similarly, there are different distributions of Kubernetes because there are different types of distributed systems. The internal infrastructure of a cloud provider might use one type of Kubernetes to serve users running application containers. A network of smart security cameras might be networked together with a different distribution of Kubernetes.

Brian Gracely and Michael Hausenblas join the show today to discuss Kubernetes distributions. Brian and Michael work at Red Hat, which helps maintain OKD (formerly “Origin”), the Red Hat Community Distribution of Kubernetes, upon which Red Hat OpenShift is based. OpenShift is a platform as a service that enterprises use to deploy and manage their applications. Full disclosure: Red Hat is a sponsor of Software Engineering Daily.


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