Orchestrating Kubernetes with Chris Gaun

A company runs a variety of distributed systems applications such as Hadoop for batch processing jobs, Spark for data science, and Kubernetes for container management. These distributed systems tools can run on-prem, in a cloud provider, or in a hybrid system that uses on-prem and cloud infrastructure. Some enterprises use VMs, some use bare metal, some use both.

Mesosphere is a company that was started to abstract the complexity of resource management away from the application developer. Instead of a developer managing virtual machines, provisioning cloud infrastructure, or wiring all that infrastructure together to run distributed applications, the developer spins up distributed applications like Kubernetes, Spark, or Jenkins on top of Mesosphere, and Mesosphere provisions the machines on the underlying infrastructure.

Using Kubernetes on top of Mesos allows you to separate resource provisioning from the actual container orchestration. In a previous episode, we explored how Netflix uses Mesos with a container orchestrator on top to simplify the resource management of microservice application containers as well as data science workloads.

Chris Gaun is a product manager at Mesosphere who helped build Kubernetes-as-a-service. In today’s show, he describes why it is useful to have separate layers for resource provisioning and container orchestration. He also talks about the difficulties of manually installing Kubernetes, and why Mesosphere built a Kubernetes-as-a-service product. Full disclosure: Mesosphere is a sponsor of Software Engineering Daily.


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