Engineering at Quora with Shreyes Seshasai

Quora Engineering


“If an engineer is doing something repeatedly over and over again, their mind is immediately going to jump to that place where it’s like ‘Okay how can I make this faster?’ or ‘How can I save myself time?’”

Quora is a Q&A website where questions are asked, answered, edited and organized by its community of users.

Shreyes Seshasai is the Director of Engineering at Quora.


  • Is there a false dichotomy between development velocity and code quality?
  • What does it mean to “move fast at average”?
  • How do you incentivize people to automate?
  • Why does Quora engineering not have pre-commit code reviews?
  • How do you handle testing for desktop, iOS and Android?
  • What are Webnode and Livenode?
  • What is the relationship between engineering and design teams at Quora?


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