SE Daily

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RSocket: Reactive Streaming Service Networking with Ryland Degnan

Netflix has thousands of service instances communicating with each other. When a Netflix client on a smartphone makes a request for a movie, that request hits Netflix’s backend, where

Prometheus Scalability with Bryan Boreham

Prometheus is an open source monitoring system and time series database. Prometheus includes a multi-dimensional data model, a query language called PromQL, and a pull model for

Spot Instances with Amiram Shachar

When a developer provisions a cloud server, that server is called an “instance”. These instances can be used for running whatever workload a developer has, whether it is a web

Looker: Business Intelligence Platform with Daniel Mintz

If a business has been operating successfully for a few years, that business has accumulated a high volume of data. That data exists in spreadsheets, CSV files, log files, and balance

Human Sized Robots with Zach Allen

Robots are making their way into every area of our lives. Security robots roll around industrial parks at night, monitoring the area for intruders. Amazon robots tirelessly move packages