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Likewar: The Weaponization of Social Media with P.W. Singer

Social media has transformed our lives. It has also transformed how wars are fought. P.W. Singer’s new book “Likewar: The Weaponization of Social Media” describes the far-reaching

Software Chasms with Martin Casado

Infrastructure software can be a great business. An infrastructure software company sells core technology to a large enterprise such as a bank or insurance company. This software has

Kubeflow: TensorFlow on Kubernetes with David Aronchick

When TensorFlow came out of Google, the machine learning community converged around it. TensorFlow is a framework for building machine learning models, but the lifecycle of a machine

TiDB: Distributed NewSQL with Kevin Xu

When a user interacts with an application to order a ride with a ridesharing app, the data for that user interaction is written to a “transactional” database. A transactional

Storybook: UI Engineering with Zoltan Olah

React, Vue, and Angular are the most popular frontend JavaScript frameworks. Each of these frameworks lets frontend developers build components. A component is a high level visual