A Week of Podcasts Featuring Women in Technology

Software Engineering Daily is hosting a week of interviews with women in technology roles.

Wogrammer states:

As software engineers, we get asked a lot about what it’s like to be a woman in tech. Are there any horror stories? Have we experienced sexism in school or at work? We would much rather be asked about our technical accomplishments and the technology we’ve built.

Software Engineering Daily will focus on the successes of female technologists.

Achievements of women in technology are often clouded by a discussion of sexism. But female technologists have more to talk about than just prejudice.

Despite the problems seen in headlines and lawsuits, things are getting better. Salary for female engineers is equalizing–see the gender pay gap statistics below.

GD_TechCompany_GenderSalaryComparison_Final (1)

Cultural equality is also being aggressively addressed by tech companies like Lyft, Automattic, and Instacart.

In the software industry, there are a number of acute problems facing women:

But in the long run, successful examples break negative stereotypes. Throughout this week we will showcase stories about women succeeding brilliantly in technology roles–engineering, leadership, and investing.

If you have a story to tell, let us know via email or Twitter.

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