Software Supply Chain

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Container Security with Matt Moore

Software supply chain attacks exploit interdependencies within software ecosystems. Security in the supply chain is a growing issue, and is particularly important for companies that rely

KubeCon Special: Sigstore with Santiago Torres-Arias

This episode of Software Engineering Daily is part of our on-site coverage of KubeCon 2023, which took place from November 6th through 9th in Chicago. In today’s interview, host Jordi

Software Supply Chain with Feross Aboukhadijeh

The software supply chain refers to the process of creating and distributing software products. This includes all of the steps involved in creating, testing, packaging, and delivering

Software Supply Chain with Barak Schoster

The software supply chain consists of packages, imports, dependencies, containers, and APIs. These different components each have unique security risks. To ensure the security of their

The State of Software Supply Chain 2021 with Ilkka Turunen

Everyone is becoming increasingly aware of supply chains for physical goods.  Software has its own supply chain.  A supply of open source solutions exists as does a demand for these