Datomic Architecture with Marshall Thompson
Datomic is a database system based on an append-only record keeping system. Datomic users can query the complete history of the database, and Datomic has ACID transactional support. The
Build a Bank: Nubank with Edward Wible
Nubank was started in 2013 with a credit card that was controlled through a mobile app. At the time, it was the first service in Brazil that allowed customers to do banking without going
Clojure with Alex Miller
Clojure is a dynamically typed functional language that runs on the JVM. Today’s guest Alex Miller gives us an overview of Clojure’s core functionality. Alex is a developer of
JavaScript: Fundamental Answers
Fundamental questions loomed at the beginning of JavaScript Week. Some answers: Is JavaScript the new bytecode? Abstractions like Scala, Groovy, and Clojure were built on top of the