Ceph Storage System with Sage Weil

Ceph is a storage system that can be used for provisioning object storage, block storage, and file storage. These storage primitives can be used as the underlying medium for databases, queueing systems, and bucket storage. Ceph is used in circumstances where the developer may not want to use public cloud resources like Amazon S3.

As an example, consider telecom infrastructure. Telecom companies that have their own data centers need software layers which make it simpler for the operators and developers that are working with that infrastructure to spin up databases and other abstractions with the same easy experience that is provided by a cloud provider by AWS.

Sage Weil has been a core developer on Ceph since 2005, and the company he started around Ceph sold to Red Hat for $175 million. Sage joins the show to talk about the engineering behind Ceph and his time spent developing companies.

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