Sales Software with Jean-Baptiste Escoyez

Most products do not sell themselves. Salespeople bridge the gap between a product creation and a customer who purchases it.

People can make a good living on the internet selling niche products–if they can find their customers. The process of taking a large group of potential customers and narrowing it down to only the subset of those customers who will buy your product is known as the sales funnel. The sales funnel consists of multiple stages–the first of which is known as “prospecting.”

A salesperson doing prospecting is casting a wide net, sending emails to hundreds or thousands of people, looking for anyone who has some small probability of being interested. Without a tool for prospecting, the process can be very labor intensive.

Jean-Baptise Escoyez is the CTO at, a tool for sales prospecting. In this episode, we explored the process of building, from the high level product design to the engineering details of how it is implemented. I use to sell two different products so it was enjoyable to find out how one of my favorite tools works.

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