Application Crash Monitoring with James Smith


“The dirty secret of software is that you cannot fix every single bug.”

Applications can and will crash — it is increasingly important for developers to have visibility into the reasons how and why the crash occurred. James Smith is the guest on the show today, and joins Jeff to discuss why modern applications crash, and how developer products are improving to tighten the gap between QA/support and dev. James is the founder of Bugsnag, an automated crash monitoring system.


  • When an app crashes, how does a crash manifest on a user level?
  • What are types of application crashes developers need to worry about?
  • What language patterns are you noticing being implemented to deal with the common crash types?
  • What is automated crash detection?
  • How does the workflow of debugging and application development change after implementing an automated crash detection system?
  • What did the first version of Bugsnag look like?
  • What’s the future of Bugsnag?


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